Welcome to our Services page where we offer junk removal, gutter cleaning, and dryer vent cleaning to meet your needs.

Our Junk Removal service helps you declutter your space by efficiently removing unwanted items. Whether it's furniture, appliances, or debris, we take care of it all. Let us do the heavy lifting for you!

Junk Removal

Our Junk Removal service ensures a clutter-free space for you to enjoy your home to the fullest. Let us take care of the mess for you.

  • Friendly service
  • Great price
  • Efficient removal process

Gutter Cleaning

With our Gutter Cleaning service, we ensure your gutters are free from leaves, debris, and blockages. Proper gutter maintenance is essential to protect your home from water damage. Trust us to keep your gutters clean and functioning properly.

Trust us to keep your gutters clean and prevent potential water damage to your home. Our thorough cleaning service will leave your gutters functioning at their best.

  • Thorough cleaning
  • Prevent water damage
  • Professional staff

Dog Poop Pick Up

For many people, dogs are the highlight of the day. They are cherished family members, companions, and best friends. You adore almost every aspect of your dog, don't you? Everything, that is, excluding perhaps his or her feces. Cleaning up after your dog is an essential part of dog ownership, whether you like it or not. However, what if you were no longer required to do it? Kitasha LLC is here to help you with this unpleasant task. We can handle all that daily "doody" while you enjoy everything else about your dog. We are a pet waste collection company that provides services to pet parents, business property owners, and community managers.

Trust us to keep your homes and prevent potential damage to your home. Our thorough cleaning service will leave your yard functioning at their best.

  • Thorough cleaning
  • Prevent any damage
  • Professional staff

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Improve the safety and efficiency of your home with our Dryer Vent Cleaning service. Clogged dryer vents can pose a fire hazard and reduce the effectiveness of your dryer. Let us help you maintain a clean and safe dryer vent system.

Protect your home from potential fire hazards and ensure your dryer works efficiently with our expert Dryer Vent Cleaning service. Your safety is our priority.

  • Safety first
  • Improved dryer efficiency
  • Experienced technicians

Services Area 

Rock Island













Port Byron


“I was impressed by the professionalism and efficiency of Kitasha LLC IJunk Removal. They made the whole process easy and stress-free.”
